Chinese translation for "double-stranded rna"
- 双链rna
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Rnai ( rna interference ) is a process by which double - stranded rna ( dsrna ) specifically suppresses the expression of a target mrna . since fire et . al Rnai ( rnainterference )是双链rna介导的、序列特异的同源基因转录后的沉默效应。 | | 2. | American andrew fire and craig mello are winners for the nobel prize in physiology or medicine for their discovery of rna interference - gene silencing by double - stranded rna 今年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予美国人安德鲁?法尔和克雷格?梅洛,以表彰他们发现了rna (核糖核酸)干扰机制。 | | 3. | Though wheellike in cross section , rotavirus is actually a three - layered sphere containing 11 segments of double - stranded rna , each of which consists of a single gene encoding a protein 虽然轮状病毒的横切面呈车轮状,实际上其球面拥有三层构造,中间含有11段双股rna ,每段含有一个携带某蛋白质编码的基因。 | | 4. | Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of segement a of chinese infectious bursal disease virus ( ibdv ) hb - bp strain isolated from hebei province was studied in this thesis . the experiments as below were included : double - strand rna of viral genome was purified by licl gradient precipitation , 48 hours after bursa was harvested from chicken which had been inoculated with hb - bp strain . referred to the published sequence two primers were designed and synthesized 给4周龄spf雏鸡人工接种鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒hb - bp毒株, 48小时后采取法氏囊,用双licl分级沉淀法提纯全长基因组dsrna ,设计一对引物,通过rt - pcr方法进行了体外扩增,获得hb株a节段基因全长cdna 。 |
- Similar Words:
- "double-stranded dna" Chinese translation, "double-stranded dna virus" Chinese translation, "double-stranded linear dna" Chinese translation, "double-stranded nucleic acid" Chinese translation, "double-stranded polymer" Chinese translation, "double-stranded rna virus" Chinese translation, "double-stranded viruses" Chinese translation, "double-strandednucleic acid" Chinese translation, "double-strap butt joint" Chinese translation, "double-strap joint" Chinese translation